We take over 20,000 breaths per day, which means by age 50, we will have taken over 400 million breaths in our lives. What if we took even a portion of those mindfully and by choice? What if we learned to regulate our breath to calm and soothe, focus and energize, be more proactive and less reactive?
Our breath is the one body function that crosses the line between the somatic nervous system (voluntary activity such as raising our arms or swinging a tennis racket), and the autonomic nervous system (involuntary activity such as hormone release, blood pressure, heartbeat). Our breath allows us to affect our entire physical and emotional bodies through mindful regulation. Our breath can regulate hormones, promote better sleep, aid digestion, reduce blood pressure, energize and bring focus, calm and soothe, aid in healing (both physically and mentally), help manage stress and the stress response in our bodies, and so much more. Our breath can turn a moment of panic into a moment of focused calm. It can turn a moment of anger into a moment of compassion and understanding. It can help us care for our bodies with greater awareness as we use attention to the breath as a guide to our overall wellbeing.
In this course we explore the dynamics of breath and breathing, various styles of pranayama, long and short pranayama practices you can use anytime, anywhere, in any situation. Imagine these as tools in your toolbox of life – tools that can help you live life better and with greater awareness and presence.
We begin slowly and build our practice with mindfulness and presence...
* Tips & techniques for pranayama * Exploration of the capacity of our lungs and how they function * Yoga stretches to help open up your abdomen for deeper breaths (Yin & groundbound yoga) * Exploration of 12 unique pranayama techniques including Ujjayi, Kapalabhati, Bhramari, Sama/Vishama Vritti, and more) * Ratio breathing * Blended classes for morning, evening, balancing energy, calming and more * Q & A + Pranayama Practices to support you (replay recordings available) * Streaming course access * 15 hours Yoga Alliance CEU credits (noncontact)