Living Yoga
Living Yoga
"Intuition is the whisper of the soul." Krishnamurti
This week I did something I felt I "should" do rather than wanted to. I should not have been surprised when the universe tried it's best to make it fail miserably and not at all surprised that I felt strangely afterwards. I felt off. I struggled over the next few days to figure out what exactly was wrong and instead of recognizing what I had done, I just became frustrated and fussy and short tempered. Have you had this happen? You are just feeling not right and in turn you are easily frustrated and annoyed, but you CANNOT put your finger on what's wrong!? "Intuition doesn't tell you what you want to hear; it tells you what you need to hear." Sonia Choquette Finally - a light went on and I got it. While I had done something well and it wasn't a horrible mess, it wasn't what I wanted, dreamed or aspired to. It was what I thought other people expected of me. Let me say here and now - I deal with this a lot. Expectations. Many of these are clearly stated by others and some are, honestly - what I think others want from me. None of these are good for the soul and they often chafe and itch. They are bonds that tie us up and weigh us down - holding us back from expressing our true selves. And when you aren't doing what you truly want, need and believe in - it feels WRONG. "You know the truth by the way it feels." Unknown You see, I cannot be what others expect. I cannot be what I think others expect. I can only be me and I am okay with that. Sometimes I have to remind myself that I am good enough as I am. Do you struggle with this sometimes? With expectations and the weight of them? Know this - YOU ARE WONDERFUL, AMAZING, PERFECT AND HAVE SO MUCH TO OFFER! Just as you are, right now, today, in this moment. Trust this. Trust your intuition. Let it guide you on your journey and support you in living your most beautiful life. See you on the mat! Aprille |
Aprille WalkerI have been "playing" and experimenting with yoga, aromatherapy and healthy living since my late teens - researching, testing, reading, investigating, and learning anything that would make my life - and the lives around me - better naturally. Subscribe for inspiration, discounts & MORE!
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