Living Yoga
Living Yoga
In Chinese meridian theory, there is one meridian that is not linked to a physical organ system - this meridian is the San Jiao meridian. This meridian runs from the ring finger, over the back of the hand, running up the back side or outside of the arm into the shoulder. From there it branches up and down through the body into several other organ systems - which we will look at below.
The San Jiao, Triple Burner or Triple Warmer meridian is thought to govern the organ systems responsible for water balance in the body. It is also linked to the hormone glands and some people believe it is most closely related to the thyroid gland. Sometimes this meridian is referred to as the meridian of hope and an imbalance can result in loneliness, despair, hopelessness and seclusion. Working with this meridian can bring balance to almost all of the meridians and is very effective in "resetting" the system. I often turn to this practice when I feel things are "off" - physically or emotionally - but cannot pinpoint exactly where or what it is. When we work with this meridian, we start in the higher meridians (top burner) representing intake including the Lung, Heart and Pericardium meridians. We then move to the middle burner which is assimilation or digestion including the Spleen, Stomach, Small and Large Intestines. Then we proceed to the lower burner which is elimination and includes Liver, Gallbladder, Kidney and Bladder meridians. Move slowly in this practice, take your time, really focus on your breath. Breathe into the spaces you make in the poses. Feel the tension, stress and your body's response to stress slipping off and away. Enjoy! ​Please Subscribe to my YouTube channel for a NEW practices each week!​ AND/OR join me for EXCLUSIVE weekly content, 100+ ad-free remastered YouTube practices, community forum, LIVE monthly video calls, free app (videos downloadable and viewable offline) on my Member Community at |
Aprille WalkerI have been "playing" and experimenting with yoga, aromatherapy and healthy living since my late teens - researching, testing, reading, investigating, and learning anything that would make my life - and the lives around me - better naturally. Subscribe for inspiration, discounts & MORE!
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