Living Yoga
Living Yoga
"A connection is the energy that exists between two people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship." Unknown
Life is busy, crazy, hectic. We wake up, do our routine and start work. We work all day, run some errands, eat dinner, try to unwind, head to bed and it starts over again. Then a moment comes when time stops - it literally stands still. Perhaps it's a moment of momentous change, great joy, or - as I recently experienced - a moment when someone you love says the words, "I have cancer." I love my friend deeply but we have what you would call a friendship via texts and random phone calls and maybe an email or two a year. We live far apart and I haven't physically seen her in over 3 years. I think about her often yes, but it's always maybe she would laugh at this or maybe she would like this. In my mind, she is always there, always available, and we have all the time in the world. "The most important things in life are the connections you make with others." Tom Ford But, we don't. The truth is, she won't always be there. Have I said what I wanted? Have I told her how much I love her? Have I tried to go visit? It all comes rushing back - I have forgotten to connect and value her as she should be valued. And, she's not the only one in my life. I realize with a cold shock how little I really deeply try to connect to the people I care about on a more consistent basis. I realize I don't tell them I love them enough. I realize I don't spend as much time with them as I wish I could and I know I can. I have forgotten how much connection matters. I have forgotten how much they matter. I have let life distract me from the most important things in my life - the people! Everything I do, I do for the people in my life. Without them - none of it matters at all. Connection. It is everything. Have you forgotten too? Been distracted by the hectic spin of life? How often do you try your hardest to love and show your love to the people in your life? They know, right? Please...STOP. Make time stand still right now and tell them. Make a plan to meet up and get together. Hug them. Call them. Remind them how much they mean to you and to your life. CONNECT every single day in a million ways. I am on my way to visit my beloved friend this month and her health situation has stabilized and we are hopeful. The very first words I will say when I see her as I hug her so very tight - I love you SO much and you mean the world to me. See you on the mat my friends - Aprille |
Aprille WalkerI have been "playing" and experimenting with yoga, aromatherapy and healthy living since my late teens - researching, testing, reading, investigating, and learning anything that would make my life - and the lives around me - better naturally. Subscribe for inspiration, discounts & MORE!
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