Living Yoga
Living Yoga
"For every person who might reject you if you live your truth, there are ten others who will embrace you and welcome you home." Marianne Williamson
We are in the fourth quarter of the year and as I look back over the year - I see a few things that stand out for me. Lots and lots of TRUTH. From my health to my business to my life and so much more. Truth, living my truth, exploring my truth has been center stage all year long. For me, it's been about defining what my core values are and what are ever-changing aspects of truth based on life whirling around me. It's been shocking, fulfilling, terrifying and also really amazing to have lived a year where my concept of truth has been challenged and really redefined itself. "All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." Arthur Schopenhauer In the yoga tradition there is a concept called Satya (the second Yama or basic tenet of yoga lifestyle). Satya translates roughly as honesty and truthfulness in words, thoughts and actions. Sat = as it is. This basic tenet asks us to be authentic and true so that our actions align with our values. But, Satya can change. What one person told you that at one point WAS true may no longer be so. Life is not always one way or another - it constantly evolves - so we need to ask ourselves mindfully and constantly, "What is true now?" What you may have believed or even was true at some point in your life may have changed, your view of the world changed, your experiences changed, and so have you. Truth itself tends to shift as we learn, grow, and expand our perspective. "Owning your mind and living your truth can be a solitary path sometimes, but it is absolutely worth it." John Mark Green Living mindfully in the present can help us define and redefine our truths and help us live our lives in harmony with our deep core values. I value integrity, honesty, authenticity VERY much in both myself and others and this is a deep set value of mine. However, how do I work with that day to day on a case by case basis? These are the things Satya asks us to look at mindfully in the present moment as we seek to apply this to our lives. Satya/truth asks us to be brave - allowing us to challenge our beliefs from day to day and release what no longer serves us or is valid. Satya/truth asks us to be honest in what we do each day, how we live our lives, who we are in relationships with. It asks us to stop lying to ourselves and others and walk fearlessly through our day. Satya/truth asks us to be free from judgment - allowing us to welcome new ideas, explore our beliefs and limitations and be open to change. BRAVE. FREE. HONEST. This month I ask you to look back over your year and see where Satya fits into your life. What will you do in these last few months of the year to include more TRUTH in your life? Are you ready to be brave? Are you ready to be free? Are you ready to be honest? See you on the mat! Aprille Comments are closed.
Aprille WalkerI have been "playing" and experimenting with yoga, aromatherapy and healthy living since my late teens - researching, testing, reading, investigating, and learning anything that would make my life - and the lives around me - better naturally. Subscribe for inspiration, discounts & MORE!
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